'Home Not Alone' T-shirt Collection
Jason + John’s t-shirt (yellow) and Sandra + Lizzie’s t-shirt (white)
In May we launched an exclusive ‘Home Not Alone’ t-shirt collection, in support of Headway East London’s ambitious fundraising campaign. Four Submit to Love artists were paired with an established external artist to collaborate on a design - producing vibrant works that embody the studio’s unique creative practice, and allow buyers to showcase their support for the charity in style!
The four artists involved include Jason Ferry paired with John Booth, Sandra Lott working with Lizzie King, Cecil Waldron collaborating with Rose Blake and Affiong Day working with Nancy Haslam-Chance. Each pair rose to the challenge of working together remotely as they collaborated on their respective designs during this time of social distance. The project offered a unique opportunity to try new things, with Jason Ferry and John Booth fusing their techniques into one bold hybrid style; Lizzie King and Sandra Lott bouncing ideas around over multiple video chat sessions; and Nancy Haslam-Chance and Affiong Day adopting a more patient approach – exchanging art work and responding to one another’s ideas via letters sent in the post.
Rose + Cecil’s t-shirt (white) and Affiong + Nancy’s t-shirt (yellow)
““There are two figures in my drawing and I think that one of them must be me and the other Affiong.””
Submit To Love artist Sandra Lott and collaborator Lizzie King meet on Zoom to exchange ideas.
Each boldly different in their choice of tools and styles, in the instance of Nancy and Affiong it was a response to a poem the pair worked on. “I liked it because when I read it I was transported into this secret imaginary world created by Affiong,” says Nancy on the project’s starting point. “Here I crawled through ferns, dipped my toe in a pond and cuddled a bee while it purred like a cat. It was wonderful to be allowed to escape from reality for a short time.” Whereas as illustrator Lizzie King points out, who worked with Sandra Lott on recreating an illustrated poolside t-shirt, “it was great to meet (and work with) Sandra on Zoom – I can’t wait until we can all see each other again in real life wearing out t-shirts.”
“I was so happy to be paired with Sandra! Her work is bright and colourful, with lots going on, each time I look at one of her drawings I see something new.”
Some happy customers modelling their new t-shirts: